The Finest in the Middle East

Taybeh Brewing Co. started the craft beer culture in the Middle East creating premium beers

The Finest in the Middle East

Where to find Taybeh around the world.

Welcome to the Family

Learn more about the only Palestinian IPA

The Finest in the Middle East

Our famous Taybeh Oktoberfest is scheduled for September 2022 at our brewery in Taybeh.

Check out our beers!

We brew exceptional, award-winning craft beer with a focus on creativity and innovation.

Cheers to good company!

Join us and enjoy the Taybeh landscape.

Learn more about the story

Check out how two brothers and their father started the craft beer revolution in the Middle East

Hear our story from one of our founders, Nadim Khoury


Great tasting beer, brewed with passion & pride. A big hello from the team here at Taybeh!

Nadim Khoury

Favorite Taybeh: Golden

David Khoury

Favorite Taybeh: Amber

Madees Khoury

Favorite Taybeh: Dark

Canaan Khoury

Favorite Taybeh: IPA

We're in Taybeh,

Stop by, say hello,
we are open Mondays – Saturdays
from 8AM to 4PM.